About Us
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Our history

Complete L'Oreal range in Pakistan.
digimall.pk provides a one-stop shopping experience for beauty and lifestyle products, enhanced shopping experience to consumers online, for their daily lifestyle needs and planned purchases. digimall currently operates in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad offering 24/7 deliveries and customer support with a plan to expand its operations throughout Pakistan. digimall.pk has its own dedicated fulfillment center along with a fleet of vehicles to provide express deliveries, daily time slotted deliveries and overnight order fulfillment. digimall has already forged valuable business relationships with leading brands in consumer and healthcare category and is moving rapidly to expanding the number of SKUs available for its customers. Our Business Objectives Robust shopping experience Dedicated Customer Support User friendly interface We have team of highly talented and dynamic experts in the fields of e-commerce, digital media, supply chain, logistics, customer services, finance and operations. Digimall.pk also provides opportunity for retailers to setup corporate accounts to manage purchases of consumer and health care products.
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